Queen of the Mountain
Written By: Dr. Simone Arnold

When we are faced with a challenge that appears insurmountable, the words from Vera Nazarian bring hope, peace, and self-discovery. Know that you have options:

“You can go around it.
     You can dig under it.
         You can fly over it.
            You can blow it up.
             You can ignore it and pretend it’s not there.
               You can turn around and go back the way you came
                  Or, you can stay on the mountain and make it your home.”

I have climbed my mountain. I relied on innermost strength and tenacity, learned to walk, and administer self-care again, counted on prayers, favor, grace and accepted help from family, friends, and co-workers.

I’ve embraced the journey of breast cancer surgery and four months of postoperative therapies. I’m home in my new self.

Cancer did not win!

The biggest lesson was finding gratitude in trusting my intuition and instinct. Salmon swims upstream for hundreds of miles to reproduce. This is no easy task to be called to swim against the current. Pure animal instinct empower the salmon. Similarly, when we allow our subconscious mind to take the wheel, we rely on my animal instinct or intuition.

This very scenario saved my life because as the cancer diagnosis was in the right breast. I decided to remove both. Nuclear medicine and later pathology results proved me right- the undiagnosed breast was a ticking timebomb. The combination of steadfastly trusting my logical brain and my subconscious mind (or intuition) brings much peace and allows me to enter the next phase of life – successfully.

Richly to your success,
Dr. Simone

About the Author

Simone Arnold is a vice president of product management at a Fortune 500 Company. She is also an alumna and contributor to the Center for Education and Information Technology Research and the Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research at the University of Phoenix. She researches emotional intelligence, workplace diversity, and statistical procedures and applications for continuous performance development. She holds a Doctor of Management degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of Phoenix.

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